Sept 25, 2022 Tour

Anyone going on the Sept 25-Oct 8 2022 England, Scotland and Wales tour?

While we have been on 10 Tauck tours (just got back from the Paris, Normandy, Brittany Loire Valley tour-fabulous!!), this one will be the first time I will be going solo. (My husband had no interest so I am going myself!) This trip had been postponed twice due to COVID so I am counting the days.


  • I applaud your independence. No one should be dragged around on a tour they don't want to be on, and I'm sure you will love your freedom. I've ended up at breakfast tables with others' husbands lol (they seem to arrive first), and the reaction is always good for a morning laugh. Enjoy!

  • Hi Baberrice,
    WOW, That's really great about your Sept-Oct trip. I know you'll be able to connect with other solo people on the trip and have a great time. My husband & I took this trip back in 2019 and enjoyed it. The itinerary has changed some. Favorite part of the trip, London, we walked to Buckingham Palace and lucky enough to see the Horse Guard Parade, Queen's Marching Bank and changing of the Guard (Well worth the 1 hour wait to see) among other sights. We leave end of July for a 2 week river cruise (French Escapade) Paris (booked back in March 2020) to Cannes, France. We have taken 8 tours with Tauck, this will be our second river cruise & absolutely love them, no hotel hopping. I was wondering what your experience was with leaving France with this COVID stuff still around, testing, cost, etc. Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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