Transiting through MAD/Madrid to IB flight to Porto

Has anyone arrived from a "3rd Country" (i.e., not a Schengen area or EU member) in Madrid/MAD-Terminal 4 and transited to a connecting with a (in my case, Iberian) flight to Porto from Terminal 4S?

I am arriving from the US, and know that a QR code is needed to enter Spain. But with this being just a connection, will I need to go through the Spanish Ministry of Health procedure-getting the QR code? I understand that passengers need to clear customs and immigration (particularly I assume if this is your entry point into the EU) before boarding their connecting flight. Anyone have any links to information on this? Thank you.


  • To enter Spain you must fill out a Health Control Form prior to arrival in Spain. For details go to Tauck's website then to Travel Updates then to Travel Requirements then select your tour. Your electronic travel documents from Tauck will also indicate what is required. I found the Passport Control screening area at MAD to be fast, efficient and friendly.

    This is a wonderful tour. Enjoy!

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