Food Tour in Cairo Looks Wonderful!

I have really enjoyed the many posts on this Forum and was looking to this trip starting November 13 in Jordan. Unfortunately, for many reasons - including the uncertainty of the GEM opening - we have made the difficult decision to instead go with Tauck in May 2023 to Bellissima Northern Italy. Not anywhere near as many useful suggestions on that section of the Forum. I'll have to see if I can contribute there.

Before I "sign off," I'd like to share an opportunity in Cairo that's definitely not on Tauck's itinerary. "Belliesenroute" is a unique food tour that is worth Googling just to watch the U-tube videos. We always like to join a food tour when we first visit new cities and this will definitely be on our list for the future. I emailed back and forth with the company several times and the owner was a delight. Really high marks on TripAdvisor too. Those of you with extra time in Cairo, I'd love to hear what you think.

Thanks everyone!


  • Thank you. We always tack on a food tour too, and arriving Egypt Feb 2023. I find a food tour at the beginning acclimates you to the culture, food and people before tour starts. I’ll look into this. Thank you.

  • SnJSnJ
    edited September 2022

    We took the “belliesenroute” food tour in Cairo last December. We’ve been on food tours all over the world, and we have to say this one ranks among the best. Don’t miss it!

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