What Does a Fairmont Kea Lani Maui Ocean View, King Room Really Look Like?

This 6 minute video covers the impressive Fairmont Kea Lani Destination Resort and Spa as well as our huge 710 sq ft King size, Ocean View Room with a 150 sq ft wrap around lanai. This video is part of a Tauck Tour taken in January 2023. Each Resort we stayed at go better than the previous one. The Kea Lani was certainly had the largest room and was the best of all of them. If you enjoy your free lunch there, you may thank me as I asked for and obtained an exception to the Tauck change taking away the covered lunch at the location.
There are four hotel videos where Tauck stayed at on each island plus an overview video of the entire Tauck tour. Red Flags surf warnings kept me out of the ocean and rain kept me out of the pools. But there was still much to do at this interesting resort. All videos are on my You Tube Channel.


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