Milan Linate airport

We are flying from the Milan Linate airport to Amsterdam in Sept. How early should you arrive at the airport? Is it similar to our international flights where they recommend 3 hours? Or is it more similar to a domestic flight of two hrs? Also will we have to go through customs in Amsterdam? I haven't done any intra-European flying so I just don't know what the rules are. Many thanks!


  • Italy and the Netherlands are both EU and Schengen Zone members, so it's just like a domestic flight. No customs or border checks. I would check with the airport website or the airline to see the recommended arrival time.

  • If you are going directly from your Tauck tour to the airport, Tauck will set up the airport transfer for you and give you enough time wether that is 2 hours or 3. At smaller airports we have used, it has usually been closer to 2 hours than 3.. AMS is a huge airport. If you are going from the Schengen Zone to an international flight(Milan-AMS-USA) you will need to go through passport control.

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