Rhine Enchantment: Milan to Amsterdam

Planning my 4th Tauck River Cruise for 2024. Considering either May or October...thoughts? Also how is the high speed train from Lugano to Basel. The tunnel time is 15 min? Is the river picturesque from Basel to Amsterdam or more industrial? Thank you for sharing!


  • Did this trip in the other direction in 2019. We had train troubles so can’t comment on that but the river is very picturesque in many spots. A great trip.

  • We did this trip last October, also in the opposite direction, Amsterdam to Milan. The whole train trip was just under 3 hours from Basel to Lugano with the tunnel portion about 20 minutes.
    And yes, the river is very picturesque.

    My husband did a review that you can read via this link:
    Rhine Enchantment Review

  • Have the Tauck River cruises on the Rhine been impacted by water levels in 2023 or other years?

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