Best of Ireland - Beginning and End Connection
We were on this tour last month and found a great connection from the begin of the tour in Dublin to the end in Kilkenny. In Dublin we saw the spire that was erected on the site of a column commemorating Nelson that was blown up in 1966 by the IRA on the 50th anniversary of the 1916 uprising.
When the column was blown up the residents of Dublin were not interested in keeping the blocks from the tower. Kilkenny took some of the blocks and put them in a circle surrounding a lily pond at the Butler House which is across the street from the castle at which you end your guided tour. (Go through the Design Center to the last courtyard and read the sign.)
We took our fruit and sat on the blocks in a very quiet area enjoying the beautiful weather and resting after a long tour. As you look at the blocks you can see that they were placed in an order so that you can read the names of some of the battles that had been commemorated - St Vincent, Copenhagen....
It was a great way to end the tour with a connection from the first days in Dublin.
The Spire of Dublin is also known officially as the Monument of Light. Unofficially, it's been called by many names including the Erection in the Intersection and the Pole in the Hole.![>:) >:)](