Recommendations needed for restaurants in Venice, Florence and Rome

I'm taking this tour next month -- Match. 20, 2024. Any advice on where a solo traveler should dine in these cities?


  • Rome is a moveable feast. I loved La Matricianella as well as Taverna Antonina. It’s always fun to wander around the Trastevere neighborhood; lots of great trattorias and osterias there. Buon appetito and buon viaggio!

  • Venice :Al Buso at bottom of Rialto Bridge. Sit outside if possible for view.

  • There are some great recommendations for Venice. After reading my comment, type Venice restaurants recommended in the Search which is located below your name. There you can read 4 Discussions which mention restaurants. Stanley Tucci‘s Searching for Italy highlights the the local cuisine in Season 1 Episode 2 Rome and Season 2 Episode 1 Venice on CNN On Demand.

  • As alternative to all the fine-dining food you will get from Tauck meals, an interesting and good "quick-eats" choice in each city are Dal Moro in Venice; All'Antico in Florence; and Pizza Re' in Rome.

    Dal Moro (Venice) is a very small place, and just sells fresh-made pasta with a few sauce choices. It is very popular with young adults who eat the piping hot pasta directly from carryout cartons. We thought their food was really good. It was also fun to navigate the narrow streets of Venice to find it (sort of between San Marco and Rialto).

    All' Antico (Florence) is for heaping sandwiches with excellent meats, spreads, and condiments on fresh-baked bread. Also very popular with younger folks, and it is an easy walk from the center-city hotel used for this tour last year. You'll know you are near All' Antico when you start seeing so many people sitting on benches, ledges, and stairsteps eating big sandwiches.

    Pizza Re' (Rome) is fast, casual, and excellent for Naples-style pizza. They also have salads, sandwiches, cold beer, etc. It is a short walk from the hotel Tauck used for this tour last year (near Piazza del Popolo).

    One last one for Rome is il Falchetto. It is a sit-down, full meal place tucked away in a quiet alley off the Via del Corso. It is fine-dining quality food, but not pretentious. If the weather is nice, they have a pleasant outdoor deck. We stumbled on to it on our first trip to Rome years ago and have happily gone back on each subsequent trip.

  • In Florence, make a reservation for La Giostra ( the prince). The owner claims to be a descendent of the Hapsburgs! The food and service are wonderful. We were there years ago in the fall, and the truffle pasta was to die for.

  • edited February 2024

    I recognize the name, Marla526. I have no clue what I had there in the mid 1990s for my entrée, but I do remember the fried artichokes! I never pass them up when I see them on a menu, especially the small ones that do not require removing the 'leaves'. I would love to return to Florence.

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