Northern Spain, September 4 2024

Hello! I am booked on the Northern Spain trip and I’m so excited to see spots I’ve NOT visited, and return to some I have. Example: San Sebastián and Bilbao! The Basque food is so incredible and I’m thinking of booking at least one of the Michelin starred restaurants (on a previous trip with husband and friends, I’ve done an incredible pinxtos tour but want to kick it up a notch this time). I’m wondering if anyone else is booked on this trip and has a similar interest? At this point, I’m a single so a table with more people would be great fun! Hope someone finds this ~


  • When you go to Bilbao, don't miss the Vizcaya Bridge. They usually take you to the Guggenheim Bilbao Museum and ignore the bridge, but the bridge is very unusual and something to see -

  • JASS,

    Enjoy your tour. Unless you really have your heart set on a more refined dining experience, I would stay with the pintxos bars since they offer such a wide array of little bites and it's fun to go from place to place, even as a single. Just stand at the bar...remember to save the toothpicks so the server can bill you accordingly!

    Nonetheless, I hope you have the good fortune of having Todd H. as your tour director. He's one of the best in my opinion.

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