Northern Italy Starting June 8. 2024

Interested in connecting with others on this trip. We plan to arrive in Geneva on 6/2 then go on to Chamonix and Aosta before arriving in Turin on 6/6. My wife and I are interested in planning for any of the evenings on the trip starting in Milan where we have "dinner on our own."


  • We can help with this, providing you are staying at the Grand Hotel et de Milan. Just outside your door and down a side street possibly two blocks and tucked into an alley is Bice Ristorante. Very much within strolling distance, but you'll need to get reservations from the hotel concierge. The mushroom risotto was fabulous, and Ken had the heavenly veal ossobuco. This was the best meal we had on the entire tour. Some of our group went back 3 nights in a row.

  • Our "on our own dinner" was at Paper Moon which is also a short walk from your hotel. We ate in a beautiful covered garden and had Steak Robinson. The meal was delicious and reasonably priced.

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