French Escapade time in Cannes

Traveling in May, 2024, northbound. Tauck has already notified us that dining reservations will be difficult and crowds will be heavy due to Olympics, etc. my question is regarding our Day 2 in Cannes. We are doing the walking tour of Nice and Monte Carlo, which Tauck says is 9 hours. The info says “ return to Cannes late afternoon for the evening.”
With that in mind, can we be comfortable with a 7 pm nearby dinner reservation? Should we do later?
Thanks for any input. We are already set for our time in Paris with dining and museum of our choosing. (We have been to Paris before with Tauck and have some idea of the museum tickets they will offer, which are very nice but we are choosing elsewhere)


  • edited March 2024

    We did this trip last April, you’ll love it. There’s a nice Italian restaurant right next to the hotel in Cannes, no need for a reservation. Very casual, you can relax there after your long day. If you want to make a reservation somewhere, 7:00 should be fine.

    I can’t imagine in May in Cannes you’ll be impacted by the upcoming Olympics; we got the same notification for our Rendezvous on the Seine river cruise in June, specifically mentioning possible impacts in Paris.

  • Mfrancis, I can echo your comment “you’ll love it”. We have done the Rendezvous on the Seine. Can’t say whether the American Cemetery or Giverny were the highest point, but we also found Honfleur to be especially charming. Thanks for the reassurance on Cannes, I will take it to heart.

  • We are going to be on that northbound trip with you! We, too, will be going on the Nice excursion on Day 2 but will not continue on to Monte Carlo (so that we can stay longer in Nice).

    I'm a bit confused about museum choice. We've been to many of the museums in Paris, including mutltiple times to our favorites, Cluny and Musee d'Orsay. The rep I talked with said that we wouldn't go to either of those museums because they didn't allow groups on weekends. I was unable to find out if we will be given tickets to go individually and, if so, which museums. I know theJacquemart-Andre Museum is closed until September. I had the feeling that we wouldn't learn of museum choice until we were on the boat. Does anyone know if Tauck usually provides tickets to the Vuittton or Marmottan Museums?

    I had planned on going to a small museum on our first day in Paris. Luckily, the rep was able to tell me that we wouldn't be leaving Lyon until mid-afternoon. What with a two hour train ride, the panorama bus ride during a busy afternoon, and then checking in,to the hotel I realize reservations for that museum will have to be the next day.

    Looking forward to meeting you.

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