Basel north to Amsterdam, including the Moselle, 2024

edited April 2024 in The Rhine and Moselle

Has anyone been on this cruise yet in 2024? We were to have taken this trip in 2020 but the pandemic stopped that.
We're adding a night in Basel and would love to hear your suggestions for the morning before boarding the Inspire.


  • It depends on your interests. Basel is considered the cultural capital of Switzerland because of its many museums--large, small, well-known and lesser-known.

  • Basel is awesome. When we did this cruise in 2017 we needed to be back at the hotel by 2 to ride the bus to the ship. If this is still the case trying to take a day trip to Lucerne or other cities would be a bit tight. But don't worry, they're plenty to do in Basel. Walk the old town, see the Basel Munster, visit the Knustmeuseum, spend some time in the Spielzeugwelten Museum. Have lunch along the river. Take a gondola to cross the river. Have lunch at Le Trois(beef tartare is excellent.). Have a meal at Lowensorn for a traditional meal. Drop in for a beer at Fischerstube. Wander around a find the oldest house circa 1300.

  • It looks like "Day 2" will give us a guided Tauck tour of Basel's Old Town, so on our own morning, we'd like to see something else. A museum or two sound good, thanks!

  • I recommend visiting the Old Town for its beautiful cobblestone roads and old buildings. You can walk around Marktplatz, see Basel Minster to enjoy amazing views, or go to Kunstmuseum Basel if you like art. If you want a relaxing morning, perhaps take a coffee and some baked sweet from a nearby cafe and enjoy the surroundings.

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