Bern Clock Tower tour - recommendations?

My family is spending some additional days in Switzerland at the end of the Castles on the Rhine tour, and planning a day visit to Bern. As part of that we are interested in booking a private tour of the Clock Tower so that we can go inside.

Has anyone done a private tour of the Bern Clock Tower and think the tour company they used is worth a recommendation? I'm currently looking into a tour booked through, which is a website that appears to be associated with the Bern tourism board and/or convention center, but not certain and I'm not seeing any reviews either.


  • donahuejw,

    I have not been inside the Zytglogge (clock tower) but can say that watching the animated movements from street level is quite fun and mesmerizing. Bern is such a beautiful and walkable city. You might also like the Einstein House--he lived there very briefly--and the Bear Pit.

    I, too, always make sure I am visiting reputable websites, especially when purchasing tickets. You might also try

    Have a wonderful tour and please consider posting a review afterwards. Best wishes.

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