Excursion Help: Bicycling in the Arles Countryside

Can anybody help me by describing the difficulty of this 14-mile bike excursion? I’m in good physical shape but I don’t ride a bike very often. I want to join this excursion but I worry about not being able to keep up. THX!


  • My husband and I did this excursion the summer of 2023. We are in average shape, and were able to keep up just fine. The ride is beautiful and we made stops along the way for photos and to hydrate. There are plenty of guides with you so that one can go ahead with the more advanced riders and some to stay behind for the slower ones. There are a few hills to climb, but it's mostly a downhill ride. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

  • @Mimitravels - thank you so much, this is super helpful! We are very excited for this trip!

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