Crown Jewels - June 9 Trip - Glacier Express

Just returned from the June 9-19 2024 NOT 2023 Tour, and wanted to assuage some ‘concerns’. We took the Glacier Express and, honestly, you’ll not really be missing out by taking the ‘regular’ First Class Train instead. You’ll go over the same part of the route for 2 1/2 hours, then you’ll also have a trip to a small town, cheese factory, lunch, and possibly some time to walk around the town and see its Gothic Church. All we did was ride the Glacier Express 2 1’2 hours up and 2 1/2 hours back. We went through several stops. We saw lots of greenery (my photos look better than what my eyes saw). We didn’t even look out of the glass roof. The train was quite warm. We did have Reserved seats which are a MUST - had to ‘fight’ (figuratively speaking) with folks from another Tour who kept moving the Reserved signs! They made the mistake of messing with a few New Yorkers - we protect our own! LOL. I’m sure the ‘normal’ train will be fun!

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