
dress code

will be on 9/6/2012 blue danube cruise any suggestion on what to wear


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    I haven't done this trip, but I have taken the Grand European from Amsterdam to Bucharest.

    For daily, off-the-boat sight-seeing, I'd suggest practical travel clothes, with layers for on/off as required. Comfortable shoes that can cope with cobblestones. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

    For dinner, call me an anachronism, but I think it's nice to change for dinner, perhaps into something labelled as ... smart casual? For the Captain's dinners perhaps something a bit more special would be appropriate. If a jacket at dinner makes you comfortable, by all means wear one. Some of the other diners are sure to appreciate the effort!

    I don't really think there is a Dress Code per se, but there are some garments that just aren't acceptable for a five star, fine dining experience! The food and service will be stunning so it's nice to show one's appreciation of the occasion. Tux not required! ;) Unless you really insist!!


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    I, too, am out of sync with current trends. I still dress smart causual (sport coat & dress slacks) when I fly on airplanes (regardless of length of flight), I usually change clothes for dinner, wear a suit to the captain's dinner, dress appropriately in respect of local customs of places visited, etc. I am not really trying to impress anyone; i.e., this is "who I am." Probably if I posted this on the cc board, I would be accused of over -dressing;however, I feel more comfortable with either smart casual or sport coat/suit. I agree that casual is acceptable when touring, but shorts and blue jeans are too casual for us. Heck, I do not even own a pair of blue jeans; I guess I need a professional analysis! One of my favorite true stories from one of our cruises relates to appropriate dress code in an Islamic country. During one of the port talks on said cruise, the speaker indicated that women should be certain to have sleeves which cover their elbows. One of the cruisers then asked the speaker if the elbows should be covered from the shoulder to the elbow or from the hands to the elbows? The speaker, attempting to hold back a knee-jerk laugh, politely responded: "Use your best judgement, madam."
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    Oh, that's so funny! :)) Wonder she didn't ask if she could wear elbow pads. It really makes you wonder why some people travel and why they choose to go where ...


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