Canadian Maritime Bay of Fundy Question

We are doing the August 6 Canadian Maritimes tour.
For anyone who has previously done this, do you need old shoes for the walk on the beach (I assume we get to do that at low tide???) Would you recommend going barefoot vs. old shoes?
Trying to figure out packing specifics. Thanks!


  • No not barefoot. There are rocks. I can’t remember what shoes I wore but I can attest that I didn’t bring any special pair of shoes just for that excursion. You’re not near the water unless you want to be. If I recall, we did have shoes we could clean. You can put a pair of flip flops in your backpack. Flip flops are not my shoe of choice and are difficult for walking.

  • cvccvc
    edited July 7

    I agree with OurTravels34 - I would not go barefoot because of the rocks and personally, I would not wear flip-flops. I just went through some of my pictures and most people were wearing tennis shoes. You may get a little mud near the bottom of your shoes, but that should be fairly easy to wipe off.

  • Yep. No bare feet. As I recall, we had the opportunity to wash off our shoes at the end. So wear shoes that can stand gettting wet.

  • Thanks! I will bring old walking shoes that I can throw out afterwards.

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