Scandinavia land tour July 16 - packing questions

I’m packing for the Scandinavia land tour and wondering if there’s a need for any dressier clothing. On previous Tauck tours, we usually had at least a couple of nights where the dress code was a bit fancy. I’m not sure that’s the case here. Any input? Many thanks.


  • edited July 2024

    It all depends on whether you plan on adding pre/post tour extensions and enjoying fine dining experiences. The terms "fancy" and "dressy" are relative in my opinion. For the welcome and farewell dinners, as well as any "gala" events which I do not think are a part of this tour, I wear dresses/skiirts and/or tailored slacks usually with short waisted jackets. My husband wears suit jackets with or without ties. That is our preference, not a requirement.

    I am Scandinavian by birth and frequently vacation there, primarily in Denmark. Wear what you believe is appropriate for the venue, keeping in mind that you are a guest in a foreign country. Some of the hotels, especially in Norway are quite rustic and do not require the kind of dress described above. Nonetheless, I would refrain from wearing tee shirts, jeans and sneakers at any dinner. It really is your choice, however.

  • Thank you so much. This is helpful information.

  • You're welcome. I failed to mention that even in the summer months, it can get cool as you travel farther north within the region, especially in Norway and when sailing the fjords. Layering works best. If you have a windbreaker, preferably one with a lining, that will suffice for outerwear.

    Please consider posting a review upon your return. Have a memorable journey.

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