Will be in Paris on Sept 8, 2025 and…

Hi all. As above, we’ll be in Paris on 9/8/25, and would like to take a cruise on the Seine. We found what looks to be a great company, with excellent reviews. Green River Cruises. The issue is we would have to rent the boat for a group, 2 -6 people, the more people, the less cost to each of us. It certainly looks much more fun and personable than the big, tourist boats. If there’s any chance you’d be interested, please let me know. We found them on trip advisor. I’d say “private message me”, but don’t know how to do that. We’ll be starting the Paris, Dordogne, and Bordeaux tour starting on 9/9. Thanks, Alice


  • edited January 1

    Are you looking at doing an overnight on the boat, or just a day cruise?

    If you look up on the top of this web page, right side, next to your name, you'll see an icon with an arrow. Hover your cursor over it and it should say "inbox". That's your private message area.

  • Thanks for the tip Mike.
    I’m just looking for a pleasant 1-2 hour cruise, without the horrendous crowds. If anyone has any other suggestions on different companies, please tell me.

  • You probably know this, but the tourist boats on the Seine are called Bateau Mouche (fly boat – fly meaning the insect) or Bateau Parisian, but they tend to be crowded. There are some small boats available. I did a search on “private small boat on seine paris” and found a few companies that offer small private tours.

  • I’ll try that, hadn’t really thought of it. Thanks again ,

  • Many times when in a city we have not visited, we enjoy the hop-on-hop-off buses. We have not done this in Paris, however. We always take the longest route and then take the route again and get on and off as we like. It's a great way to get an overview of any city. Starting early helps to avoid the crowds—not sure if that is possible in Paris.

    Another suggestion is to take a lunch or dinner cruise. There are probably a myriad of choices to fit any budget and dining experience. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  • I don't have a lot of experience with dinner cruises in Paris, but the ones I've been on were similar to the dinner shows in Las Vegas - mediocre food served by surly waiters. They know they’re never going to see you again.

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