We leave for our POI trip in two days :) Laundry and tour guide questions

Howdy from Texas,

We are super excited that we leave in two days for our POI trip that starts on the 22nd. We are finally going to start packing today and we are curious about how many days you guys packed for and if laundry was convenient on this trip. We prefer to pack less and wash more, but sometimes the turn around time doesn't work for the schedule.

Also...has anyone had Tina Del Campo as their tour director. All of our directors have been fabulous over the last 14 years and I am hoping she is just as amazing as the others.

When I travel, I post pics each day and this time, thanks to the great info on this site, I have my notes to post all ready to go. That will save me sooooo much time on the trip.

Have a thoroughly thrilling Thursday,



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