travelling to the USA?

Does a Canadian require a Visa to enter the U.S? If they are a permenant resident of Canada, and hold a valid Canadian passport do they need to enter into any Visa waiver program? please help.


  • Hi Carol,

    It's really complicated.... and the web site is even more complicated, but go here
    and you should find your answer, eventually! :))


  • Carol,

    You may want to check, but I can not imagine that as a Canadian you need a visa to enter the United States. I am a U. S. citizen and have traveled many times to Canada and have never needed a visa. I would believe that it should work both ways. I know that in recent years I have needed a passport but that is all.
  • edited October 2012
    Hello Carol,

    I do not believe a visa is necessary. I believe just a Canadian passport will do. Here are a couple of additional websites that may help you.

    Hope this helps,
  • No, you don't need a visa, but you'll need a passport, and be able to meet additional criteria.
  • Canadian citizens do not require a visa to enter the United States directly from Canada for the purposes of visiting or studying.
  • She didn't say she was a Canadian citizen, she said she is a "permanent resident" of Canada. Those are two different things. Still, I would doubt you need a visa, but you better check.

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