Welcome to Tauck’s Cruising the Seine plus Versailles, Paris & London- Northbound

Welcome to Tauck’s Cruising the Seine plus Versailles, Paris & London- Northbound- Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions.


  • What thoughts are there on going South or North or this trip?
  • Hello, pvshelle --

    Here are a few of my thoughts on the north/south choice.

    Which city do you like better -- London or Paris? You will probably want to finish up in the city of your preference, especially if you intend to add days at the end of the tour.

    Do you speak French, or do you have some familiarity with Paris? If not, you may prefer the southbound tour so that you get an orientation with Tauck before, not after, any free time in Paris. Again, this particularly applies to those planning on arriving a day or two early.

    I have wondered (but am too ignorant of river cruising to know) whether there are any significant differences in the experience of cruising (just from the passenger's point of view, of course) between travel upstream and travel downstream. Can anyone answer that question for me?


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