Optional Free Time Tours

Where can we learn more about any optional free time tours? We would certainly like to participate in the early morning sunrise trip to Machu Picchu. We expect there are other optional tours available as well that we would like to review and possibly schedule for our free time.


  • We concluded that the "botanical" tour offered by the staff at the Inkaterra was a waste of time. We ended up in the HUGE market. I do not remember many other choices on optional tours; the group was very much engaged once we reached Cusco and did not need formal tours to have fun while at the Monasterio!
  • The sunrise trek to Macchu Pichu puts you on a less-traveled trail that is also very satisfying. There is the other peak -- the much-photographed one -- to scale. Our group had some military (and ex-military personnel) who made the rest of us look tired when we watched them chew up the scenery. If there were time (and inclination) one could hike to Macchu Pichu on the sky road from Cusco (with a sherpa guide to carry your tent and gear). We saw several such tours (on foot) during our train rides and bus commutes.
  • Kathryn H, enjoyed your comment about Macchu Pichu but if I understand you correctly, I am not going to be able to take that much taken picture taken from above Macchu Pichu as part of the Tauck experience. What options might I have? We wiill be on the June 25 tour.

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