Alpine Adventures July 5th

We are going on the July 5th, 2013, Alpine Adventures with our daughter and grandchildren
17, 13 and 9 and would like to hear from any others on the trip.
We also would like to hear from past travelers re the weather and
what clothes to take. Plus any other helpful info.for the trip.


  • My wife and I are traveling with our 12 year old son on July 5. Look forward to meeting you!
  • Going with my grandson in August! Look forward to your experience, tips etc!!
  • Thought I posted yesterday but it didn't show up. I'm traveling with my granddaughter age 18 and grandson age 15. We are all getting very excited
  • We are going on the 5th with our 13 year old granddaughter. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
  • My 21 year old daughter and I are looking forward to meeting every one on the 5th and having a great trip. This is our second family trip with Tauck. Our first trip to Alaska was a vacation I will remember as one of the best planed trips I have ever been on.
  • We are traveling on the July 5, 2013 Alpine Adventure with my in-laws and our children (girls ages 15, 13, 11 and boy age 9).
  • Really looking forward to this trip. We are a mother and her 12 year old daughter.
  • hhr wrote:
    We are going on the July 5th, 2013, Alpine Adventures with our daughter and grandchildren
    17, 13 and 9 and would like to hear from any others on the trip.
    We also would like to hear from past travelers re the weather and
    what clothes to take. Plus any other helpful info.for the trip.

    This is a pretty active trip that packs a lot of activities into most every available minute (we went on it in 2014 and we're going back on another Tauck Switzerland trip this summer). Switzerland is experiencing a heat wave now, but things can change, so my advice is to check the forecast a couple of days before you pack. You will definitely need a raincoat, tennis shoes, lots of t-shirts & shorts, a fleece top, and a pair of jeans; also, a couple of nice outfits for the more formal reception and for going out to a nice restaurant every so often when dinner isn't included. As I recall, the air-conditioning is not as cold as in American hotels, so be prepared for that. Overall, this is an outstanding trip for all age groups, so be prepared to have a lot of fun with the kids and experience the most beautiful landscapes you've ever seen in your life! -Huliegans

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