Table Mountain in Cape Town

Does this tour take you up Table Mountain? If not, is there time to do so during the afternoon of the first day in Cape Town?


  • Table Mountain in not included in the tour. You do have time to go up after the city tour. However, if the wind is blowing too hard the cable cars don't operate and much of the time it's cloudy on the mountain top so even if you go up you might not be able to see anything. We lucked out and had a beautiful day following our arrival. The hotel staff suggested we go up the mountain to take advantage of the clear weather. We decided to hike up. Called a cab and had the driver drop us off near the cable car facility. He pointed us to a trail just up the road from the cable car facility. There were several other people on the trail, but, it was unimproved, long, steep, very rocky, and hot. More a climb then a hike. I had to pull my wife up some of the rocky steps because they were too high for her to get over. It was also poorly marked and we had to guess a couple of times about which trail fork to take. When we returned to the hotel we were told that we needed a guide!! Found out that more people have died climbing Table Mountain then have died climbing Everest. No water on hot days or sunny weather turns cold quickly and unprepared hikers are caught without enough clothes for the cold. Additionally, we were told that robbers frequent the trails and prey on the unsuspecting. A great experience though.
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