enough time to see Versailles?


My wife and I are going on the Normandy, Brittany, Paris & the Loire Valley tour next year and were curious if we will have enough time the day we arrive to see the Palace Versailles (Cháteau de Versailles)? Our flight should arrive in Paris at around 9 AM and then off to Trianon Palace Versailles. What time did you arrive at Trianon Palace Versailles? We've heard it should be around 11 AM. How long does it take to adequately tour Versailles? Can we do it in the afternoon before the welcome reception at 6 PM? We're in good shape and don't mind rushing about.

Or is it best to get there a day early to adequately tour it? Any feedback from anyone who's taken this tour is very much appreciated.

Thank you.


  • I would get Rick Steves book on the area. will have all your info. My local library has the latest edition so I did not have to buy any for my upcoming trip to Italy.
  • We did this trip last Aug. we arrived in Versailles a full day early. We purchased tickets to visit the private apts which also gave us entrance to the main palace. This takes about 2hours to see. It is at least a half hour walk to the Grand Trianon, and hour to see (at least). Then the walk to the Petite Trianon and it's tour. Finally the Hamlet, another two hours to enjoy. We spread this out over two days-the second being the day of the welcome dinner. Go a day early if you can and really enjoy it.
  • To add to what Francesca said, if you can't change travel plans to arrive earlier, there is still plenty of time to see the main Palace and at least some of the grounds. We took this trip last June and arrived late morning at the hotel, which sounds similar to your schedule. The concierge had a complimentary supply of tickets to see the main Palace and grounds, prearranged by Tauck, so hopefully they are doing the same thing this year.
    The Palace is a comfortable walk from the hotel and you can easily walk the grounds (at least some of them) and see the main Palace and even do some window shopping during the afternoon before the opening reception. There is usually a long line to enter the main Palace but it moves quite quickly.
  • We will be arriving a day early to Versailles in Sept. 2014. Are the complimentary tickets good for only one day? We'd like to see some of the Palace on arrival day & some during the day before our welcome dinner. Do they cover the Palace, the Gardens & the Marie Antoinette "Farm"?

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