Scandinavian tour 2013

Just returned from the Scandinavian tour. Wanted to let everyone know this is a great trip!! We were very lucky with the weather (according to all who live there) and the tour was done in typical Tauck style...great food, fantastic hotel locations, and a superb tour director. The entire trip was wonderful, but I must say Norway is STUNNING!! Magnificent scenery.... loved the fiords!! Since returning to the states two days ago, I am already missing the comfortably cool temps of the region. A big thank you to Tauck for a wonderful vacation...can't wait to plan the next adventure.


  • edited June 2013
    I am going on the tour for July 7,2013. I am so excited. Good to hear from someone who just got back.
  • I am planning this trip at this time of year next year. I heard the waterfalls are much better than if you take it at the end of summer. Waterfalls are my thing. Just love the power of them. Saw some great ones on the New Zealand tour last year. Any recommendations that you might have done on your off time.
  • edited June 2013
    If you love waterfalls, this is the trip for you! I almost had to tie my hands behind my back to keep from taking "too many" pictures. We too, have been to New Zealand and saw many similarities in the geography, but in my opinion, Norway's fiords, waterfalls, etc... are much more majestic. (NZ on a larger scale).

    As far as free time, many in our group did different things. My wife and I like to spend time walking through the cities and towns looking at the local culture. You will have plenty of time to do this as it is daylight "all the time". We did do the sightseeing cruise in Stockholm (do the "Under the Bridges Tour" with the Stockholm Sightseeing company...your Tauck TD can tell you where to find them). This is a "must"...most of our group did it...great way to see Stockholm. I had no idea how the city is actually a "city of islands". Also, in Bergen, the funicular to the top of Floien mountain is a must...we all did it. Great views of Bergen!! We really enjoyed strolling through the fish market at Bergen. Some good eating there, too. There are numerous museum opportunities throughout the trip, if that is your "thing". Once again, your TD will have plenty of suggestions for things to do in your free time.

    Be sure to take advantage of the spa at the Alexandra Hotel in Loen. That's how I spent my free time at that location. This was our favorite hotel which sits right on the sound of the Nordfijord...we had a beautiful view from our room. Tauck takes care of your admission to the spa, the only thing you have to pay for is any "hands-on" service such as massages and the like. Jacuzzi, hot tub, scented "rain showers", saunas- 3 types, polar pool, ... all available to Tauck guests. Very friendly, helpful attendants.

    The tour itself is a "busy" tour...we did not have to look for a lot of other things to do. I hope you enjoy this tour as much as we did.
  • Jerry H wrote:
    Just returned from the Scandinavian tour. Wanted to let everyone know this is a great trip!! We were very lucky with the weather (according to all who live there) and the tour was done in typical Tauck style...great food, fantastic hotel locations, and a superb tour director. The entire trip was wonderful, but I must say Norway is STUNNING!! Magnificent scenery.... loved the fiords!! Since returning to the states two days ago, I am already missing the comfortably cool temps of the region. A big thank you to Tauck for a wonderful vacation...can't wait to plan the next adventure.

    Hello Jerry H,

    Glad you had a great trip and thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  • Jerry H wrote:
    If you love waterfalls, this is the trip for you! I almost had to tie my hands behind my back to keep from taking "too many" pictures. We too, have been to New Zealand and saw many similarities in the geography, but in my opinion, Norway's fiords, waterfalls, etc... are much more majestic. (NZ on a larger scale).

    As far as free time, many in our group did different things. My wife and I like to spend time walking through the cities and towns looking at the local culture. You will have plenty of time to do this as it is daylight "all the time". We did do the sightseeing cruise in Stockholm (do the "Under the Bridges Tour" with the Stockholm Sightseeing company...your Tauck TD can tell you where to find them). This is a "must"...most of our group did it...great way to see Stockholm. I had no idea how the city is actually a "city of islands". Also, in Bergen, the funicular to the top of Floien mountain is a must...we all did it. Great views of Bergen!! We really enjoyed strolling through the fish market at Bergen. Some good eating there, too. There are numerous museum opportunities throughout the trip, if that is your "thing". Once again, your TD will have plenty of suggestions for things to do in your free time.

    Be sure to take advantage of the spa at the Alexandra Hotel in Loen. That's how I spent my free time at that location. This was our favorite hotel which sits right on the sound of the Nordfijord...we had a beautiful view from our room. Tauck takes care of your admission to the spa, the only thing you have to pay for is any "hands-on" service such as massages and the like. Jacuzzi, hot tub, scented "rain showers", saunas- 3 types, polar pool, ... all available to Tauck guests. Very friendly, helpful attendants.

    The tour itself is a "busy" tour...we did not have to look for a lot of other things to do. I hope you enjoy this tour as much as we did.

    Thank You so much. I am looking forward to knocking this off my bucket list next year.
  • Did anyone take an extra day and if so was it in Stockholm, Sweden or Bergen, Norway. Thank you.
  • When my husband and I took this trip several years ago, we tacked on an extra day in Stockholm and Bergen (before and after). There are many museums to visit in each city; we love art. You will find lots to see that'll keep you occupied. Don't worry. Scandinavia is absolutely marvelous.
  • We have the option of June 22, 26 or July 13, 2014. Would like a shot at nice weather with great waterfalls. Any suggestion as to which date would accommodate both? Also, is there a great need for formal attire or can we get away with Dockers, shirts, nice blouse, etc. when dining. Not willing to pay for extra luggage and much prefer a casual trip all the way around. Comments greatly appreciated.

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