July 2014 Castles & Kings

Planning on taking my 16 year old granddaughter in July 2014. Would like to find a date that has older teens. Right now looking at the July 13th departure. Anyone else thinking about a July trip?


  • Planning on taking my 16 year old granddaughter in July 2014. Would like to find a date that has older teens. Right now looking at the July 13th departure. Anyone else thinking about a July trip?

    Not exactly an answer to your question, but we just booked the June 15, 2014 trip. Tauck told me that, now including my 16 & 11 yr old daughters, there were already 16 kids from 9 to 18 on the tour. Fourteen of those are girls!
  • Hi Sassy-Skier,

    Please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-788-7885 so that one of our agents to help you select a date. However, please do note that often times the numbers of passengers that are on tour can change frequently leading up to the tour departure date.

    Hope this helps,
  • Planning on taking my 16 year old granddaughter in July 2014. Would like to find a date that has older teens. Right now looking at the July 13th departure. Anyone else thinking about a July trip?

    Planning a July 27, 2014 departure tour with 16 yr old grandson and 9 yr.old twin girls.
  • My niece ( who will be 16 next year) and I are trying to decide between the July 13th and the July 17th date.
  • Hi Sassy Skier,
    My niece and I are booked for the July 17,2014 trip.
  • Mary Kate,
    Thanks for your reply. We ended up booking the July 13th 2014 date because of a conflict on the week of the 17th with my grand daughter's school schedule. As of now, I was told the 13th is half full and there are currently several older teens, (at least for now), so hopefully it'll be a fun group. Safe travels! Cathie H.
  • My husband and two daughters (ages 12 and 16) are booked for the July 17 trip.

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