Niagara on the Lake - day 3

Does anyone know when the tour returns to Toronto from Niagara on the Lake?

The Shaw Festival Theater has matinee performances at 2 PM and evening performances at 8.

Is it possible to see a play during this part of the tour?



  • I just returned from the 6/23/13 trip. If I recall we left around 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. for Toronto and got back around 5:00. You would have to arrange your own transportation so that might be a challenge.
  • Hi nessiesmom,

    LA1wing's timetable is correct — while the afternoon is at leisure, we don't recommend you spend more than a few hours there. If seeing a play is your aim, you might have time to take in a quick one-act, assuming the festival has them, but that would mean you'd get back to the hotel that much later, as well.

    I hope this helps!


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