Akshardham New Delhi

For those of you who have taken this trip I was wondering if you went to Akshardham in New Delhi. Saw a u-tube of this and thought it was incredible. Wondered if it was included


  • edited August 2011
    This monument is designed in accordance with ancient Vedic text known as the Sthapatya Shastra, it features a blend of architectural styles from across India.It is constructed entirely from Rajasthani pink sandstone and Italian Carrara marble, and has no support from steel or concrete.
  • Akshardham Temple, located in the east of Delhi, is a perfect combination of age old ethos of Indian cultures and a gasping example of due diligence in architectural adroitness. Inaugurated on 6 November, 2005, it took the effort of more than 11,000 artisans to develop a modern marvel that has been included in the Guinness World Record as the World’s Largest Comprehensive Hindu Temple.
    Dedicated to Bhagwan Swaminarayan, Akshardham Temple is an archetype of various mores and believes that have been passed on from one generation to another over the span of 10,000 years. Constructed within five years, this temple is epitome of all that the Indian culture stood for over the years.
  • Akshardham is not part of the tour, but you will have an afternoon free and the majority of my tour group went to it. You can arrange a car/driver through the hotel concierge and driver waits for you.

    It is worth seeing for a couple hours and am glad we went. We did not do any of the rides, but just walked around to see the structures.
  • Akshardham temple in Delhi, also referred to as Delhi Akshardham or Swaminarayan Akshardham, the complex displays millennia of traditional Hindu and Indian culture, spirituality, and architecture. It is one of the best places in India to visit that any tourist should not miss.
  • We found it to be somewhat "Disneyesque", but it is interesting. However, you cannot take anything into the facility - no pictures etc. Check with the concierge at the hotel for detailed info about backpacks, handbags, purses etc. before you go.

  • Disneyesque is right. This is not an historic monument, there is no history. It has a strange cult feel and I wold rather have seen other parts of Delhi.

    I would actually NOT recommend going, you are better of spending time in old dehli, Lodi Garden, or just walking around ANY part of the city.
  • Aksardham temple is really a beautiful temple in New Delhi.They would charge you a small fees and take you through the life of their god through great visual effects and animation.That is really the best attraction of the temple.After this they would show you a movie based on their religion which is really heart touching.Apart from this the temple is built beautiful with great architectural work.
  • Saw Akshardam Temple in January as our TD recommended it. Personally thought it was sort of a Spiritual Disneyland. It is an impressive modern construction to tell the story of their sect. There is a very strict degree of security to get into the facility and unshod feet to enter the Temple facility. Some people think its great. I prefered the Delhi Museums and the sites on the Tauck Tour. The hotel can arrange a car for you to get there and back if desired.

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