More Recent Istanbul

We are going to Istabul as the last leg of our trip in October. I saw a lot several posts in early June but nothing since then. I'm wondering what the most recent experiences have been. Much appreciated!


  • We are also travelling to Istanbul in October at the end of our Treasures of the Agean cruise, spending 3 nights in Istanbul. Does anyone know if Tauck has made any changes to our itinerary and hotel selection in Istanbul?
  • I am still interested in this topic. Has anyone who has been to Istanbul recently give a brief report to it's political climate, and if Tauck has had to change Itinerary? I am so looking forward to this leg of the trip!
  • We were just there, on sept. 25th, beginning the south bound aegean cruise. It was just fine. No problems at all. And we saw no evidence of any problems. FYI...don't pick up any brushes "dropped" by roaming shoe shiners!
    Our tour director, Phillip Pope, was absolutely fabulous! His knowledge about the entire area is unbelievable! He makes every effort to take care of every detail and make things special.
  • I was in Istanbul for a few days at the end of May (this year) before embarking on a river cruise of the lower Danube. My stay coincided with the beginning of the riots, and I was staying at the Hilton, very close to the square with the demonstrators.

    One of the nights I went to see the Whirling Dervishes in town, and that was the night that the tear gas started, and I had a difficult time getting to my hotel. The taxis would not go there because of the proximity to the square. I ended up taking public transportation and walking the rest of the way. The tear gas affected my nose and throat for a couple of days after the incident. I was concerned, and I was very happy when the tour left Istanbul.

    Very unfortunate, because it's an awesome city, very interesting. I recommend the Dervishes, but it is a religious ceremony and may not be for everyone. I'm not religious but I appreciated the cultural aspect of the performance (it's not a "show").

  • We are considering Tauck's Turkey tour or Treasures of the Aegean. I haven't seen any posts or responses to past guest inquiries. Has anyone taken these tours this fall, and in light of the current situation in Turkey, would like to hear more about safety considerations and also how you liked the tours. I am concerned about seasickness on the Treasures tour so if anyone can shed light on that as well please. We have taken five Tauck tours and always loved them. Thank you.
  • in light of the current situation in Turkey, would like to hear more about safety considerations and also how you liked the tours.

    What are you referring to, Linda? Apart from the border areas adjacent to Syria, I'm not aware of any new situation in Turkey. No tour company would be taking you there! I just checked our own travel advisories for Turkey, (DFAT) last updated in November 2013. While it certainly is a place where you need to take considerable care, you will be travelling with Tauck and they cosset you from go to woe.


  • Hello Linda,
    We were on the Treasures trip in 2011 so I can't address the current situation, but we were there during the demonstrations in Athens and Tauck was on top of the situation and took great care to keep us safe. We had absolutely no issues with seasickness, nor did anyone else in our group, as far as we know. The WindStar is delightful and the whole trip was amazing.

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