Alps and Dolmites Salt Mine

How is the visit and dinner in the salt mine?


  • The salt mine tour was fun and informative. Do go down the slides. Every single person on our tour enjoyed it.

    The dinner was table cloth candlelight buffet in a spacious cavern with what I thought was very good food including wine and dessert.

    There was an excellent quartet playing during the dinner. It included a dulcimer which got a lot of interest.

    Aug 1 Tour
  • I agree with Jim. Wonderful event, great food,tour.
  • It was a hi-light for us on our trip. Several of us did the first slide again after dinner. We had to walk back up the ramp but we all had fun doing it.
  • Our salt-mines night tour was great. My wife and I were on our FIRST Tauck tour (3 October 2013 start) and had a lovely time throughout. Yes, do take the slide down the salt mine - a fellow traveller aged 82 (!) did the slide twice, encouraged by our wonderful Austrian guide, Anna Reichl. Also, the Eagle's Nest visit was another highlight for us. The view from above the clouds was spectacular and made for great pictures. Tauck delivered what they promised.
  • We just got back from this trip. The salt mine was great fun! Everyone on our trip went down the slide and some went multiple times. The tour was informative and the party at the end with buffet and live music was great. It's a very unique experience.

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