attire on the Wind Star

We are on the Northbound departure of 10-9-2013. How casual is the dress code for the sailing portion of this trip?


  • Resort casual...pants, capris, nice top or sundress for women; slacks and collared shirt for men. Fabulous trip!!! You will love the Windstar (or Windspirit)!
  • Are Bermuda shorts and golf shirts okay?
  • Hello Billybutz,

    Bermuda shorts and golf shirts are fine. However, pants (like khaki) are preferred dinner attire.

    Hope this helps,
  • We are on the tour in mid-September. How cool will it be onboard in the evenings?
  • sallygoes wrote:
    We are on the tour in mid-September. How cool will it be onboard in the evenings?

    Hello sallygoes,

    In mid-September the weather tends to be warm and try, temperatures can range from 65-85 degrees. Packing a light windbreaker or cardigan should do the trick if it gets a little breezy.

    Hope this helps,

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