Cell Phones

Does anyone know if Cell phones work in the National Parks?



  • I have been on a few National Park tours and cell phone coverage was off and on. It, also, seemed to depend on the provider. I had Verizon at the time and got service better than some if I was outside. Hopefully it has improved but I would doubt it.
  • Thanks. We use AT & T. I guess that we will have the same experience as you did. Since the only reason that we use the phone is to keep in contact with family, they will be probably be able to reach us through Tauck for anything important (hopefully there will be nothing important).

    I see that you are going on the Classic Italy tour. We went on that tour in May of 2010 and it was wonderful. I'll answer your post on that Forum

    Thanks again for your info.

  • When we traveled in August 2013, I noticed that the tour bus had an Internet connection that I tapped into in the morning while the bus was running the air conditioning and loading. Most of the time, the connection is shut off because the bus driver is driving the vehicle. I had cell phone access almost everywhere -- except perhaps the north end of the Grand Canyon. I have a Verizon Wireless subscription.

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