Da Vinci Airport in Rome

We are flying Atalia from Malta to Rome landing at Terminal 1 . We then have to pick up our luggage and make it to Terminal 3 to connect with our flight home. Can anyone tell me how hard this is to do and if there is a connection system between terminals and approximate time to make the transfer. Thanks.


  • Emily, can you get me an answer on this.
  • Gary, are you SURE you must pick-up your luggage in Rome? Can't it be checked through to your final destination? Or is some other EU country your final destination? And by the way - very jealous that you will be on Malta! We'd go back there in a minute. Do NOT miss the Caravaggio painting in the cathedral in Valetta!!

  • Pretty sure we have to pick up our luggage as we are on a different airline with a charter flight with Air Transat to Toronto. We have approx. 2hrs 45 minutes to reconnect but I am wondering how we connect between Terminal 1 and 3. I think we will have to go back through security but again I am not sure and hope this is enough time.
  • Emily, can you get me an answer on this.

    Hi Gary,

    I could not find the info, you are requesting and forwarded your inquiry to our product managers for Italy. Hope to hear back soon.

    Stay tuned...
  • edited February 2014
    From the Da Vinci Airport website:

    Fiumicino Airport has four passenger terminals – 1, 2, 3 and 5. Terminal 1 handles Alitalia flights and Schengen (the borderless European area made up of 25 states) flights, Terminals 2 and 3 handle domestic flights, Non-Schengen and Schengen flights, while Terminal 5 handles American and Israeli flights. A free shuttle bus operates between them and the car parks every 15 minutes or so.

    I had the same issues flying from Athens to Catania, through Rome, and it wasn't difficult to transport from one terminal to another, check-in, check baggage, go through security and find our gate. It didn't take that long. You should be fine.

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