Grand Australia and NZ. Oct 17. - types of clothing/shoes?

Are the tours appropriate for capris/shorts and sandles if the weather permits, or are the tours in need of long pants and closed-toe shoes? Dont want to bring things that wont be worn due to space/weight, but also hope to be comfortable in the weather.


  • Hi Traveller.
    Now that you are back from your ANZ tour, can you let me know if shorts and sandals are OK for day wear. We are going in February next year. How dressy were the evenings? I need to keep my luggage to 20 kg so have to pack carefully.
    Many thanks if you have time to answer.
  • I took this trip Sept 19-Oct 11 so we dealt with spring weather. We ran into some cold weather in New Zealand, but you shouldn't have that worry.

    Sandals and capris/shorts will be appropriate for most days. There will be days where you might want closed-toe shoes (around animals and their by-products), and our tour director was good at letting us know about those. In New Zealand, most of the hotels had self-serve laundry. In Sydney, there is a drop-off laundry near the InterContinental, but we did send a couple of items out through the hotel laundry prior to that.
  • jkm wrote:
    I took this trip Sept 19-Oct 11 so we dealt with spring weather. We ran into some cold weather in New Zealand, but you shouldn't have that worry.

    Sandals and capris/shorts will be appropriate for most days. There will be days where you might want closed-toe shoes (around animals and their by-products), and our tour director was good at letting us know about those. In New Zealand, most of the hotels had self-serve laundry. In Sydney, there is a drop-off laundry near the InterContinental, but we did send a couple of items out through the hotel laundry prior to that.
    Well, sitting in Melbourne this morning, I certainly wouldn't endorse the advice that …"sandals and capris/shorts will be appropriate for most days." It might be appropriate tourist wear (you will certainly stand out) but it might not be sensible. You might freeze to death. Spring, naturally, has very changeable weather. Just like in the northern hemisphere if you check. We had a couple of days over 30C last week and we were all complaining .. because we weren't used to it. Today the forecast is for 24C & sunny but right now at 9:26 am it's actually only 14C. That's what happens with a daylight saving morning.

    Layering is always your best bet.You need to consider your season of travel. You need to also do some research on historical temperatures. That's easy to do on the net … there are many sites that cover this info.



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