Flights out of La Paz

Hello All! I am exciting about our April 2014 Peru Bolivia trip and thinking ahead abt our flights. I see that AA is seems to the biggest option from La Paz when leaving. The flight is at 6:50 a.m. to Miami. The Tauck site says to allow 3 hours at the airport for check-in :/ Is this the option most ppl will be using? Or, will some folks choose Lan and then get their flight to Miami?


  • CaraBethP wrote:
    Hello All! I am exciting about our April 2014 Peru Bolivia trip and thinking ahead abt our flights. I see that AA is seems to the biggest option from La Paz when leaving. The flight is at 6:50 a.m. to Miami. The Tauck site says to allow 3 hours at the airport for check-in :/ Is this the option most ppl will be using? Or, will some folks choose Lan and then get their flight to Miami?

    Moot point- I see that the Lan flight from La Paz leaves at the same time. So, nevermind.

    Does anyone have any other flight counsel. If not, we will fly AA to and from.
  • I assume you want to go to Miami. I chose LAN because they had a direct flight to Los Angeles.
  • We flew TACA/Avianca out of La Paz to Lima and changed planes for Miami. The flight leaves a bit later -- 8:15 a.m.
  • If you are flying to Miami this arrangement is not helpful. In fact the 8:15 AM departure mentioned does not exist according to the Kayak site. AA appears to be the only way to get to Miami at a reasonable time of the day, especially if you want to make a connecting flight to Tampa. The question still remains do we need to arrive 3 hours prior to the 6:50 AM departure? If so will our hotel be able to provide us with the breakfast Tauck includes?
  • IN November there were 14 of us leaving on AA. We were out of our rooms at 4 AM and on the bus at 420 AM. Tauck furnished us with a very large boxed breakfast which we were able to eat on the bus. I noticed that most of us didn't eat much and left the boxes on the bus. Coffee and muffins in the lobby would have been better.
  • We were booked on American Airlines at 6:50 am to Miami on the morning following the final dinner in La Paz but it seems American has recently dropped their early morning flight. They rebooked us on a 9:40 pm red-eye flight to Miami which means we either miss the final dinner (you know, Tauck wants us at the airport 3 hours before our scheduled flight) OR we stay another 24 hours in La Paz. So American's schedules no longer nicely mesh with the Tauck itinerary. I guess this is one of the disadvantages of booking airfare too far in advance. American would not switch us to LAN Airlines as they had an 'alternative' so we are stuck. We booked early as we are going into Lima several days before the Tauck tour starts in order to do some additional sightseeing including the Nazca Lines and Tauck's air did not satisfy our needs. Perils of the independent traveler. :-)
  • RobertM wrote:
    We were booked on American Airlines at 6:50 am to Miami on the morning following the final dinner in La Paz but it seems American has recently dropped their early morning flight. Perils of the independent traveler. :-)

    Hi RobertM!
    We are booked on the AA 6:50 flight to Miami and I have checked on it. It is still running. I wonder what is up with yours?? That is quite odd. Best ~Cara
  • I believe the 6:50 flight out is it. We are have a layover in Miami and have opted to spend the night rather than get into Baltimore late and then have a hour drive home.
    I vote for staying up after the farewell dinner.
  • CaraBethP wrote:
    Hi RobertM!
    We are booked on the AA 6:50 flight to Miami and I have checked on it. It is still running. I wonder what is up with yours?? That is quite odd. Best ~Cara

    Cara, you are correct. American has now switched us back to an early morning flight out of La Paz though we leave at 6:20 am on Sunday, July 6, not 6:50. Maybe we are on different tours. In spite of the hassle, really looking forward to Peru and a taste of Bolivia.

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