2015 trip

Planning ahead and can't decide when to make this bucket list trip in 2015. I have done a lot of reading on Internet sites, but thought the best advice might come from those who have actually been on this trip. Anyone who has been , tell me the pros and cons of the weather when you went. Or if you live in AU or NZ. I have read that January, March, October, and November are great months for the trip. Don't want cold in NZ or hot in AU. Any comments?


  • Hi there,
    We are an English couple and about to book this trip for 2015. I see four dates have been filled anyway but we are thinking of going on 9th March start date. We are planning this trip at the moment and will probably get to Melbourne on about 6th March to do some sightseeing on our own, and then stay at the end in Sydney for about 4 days. This is very vague at the moment as we have a "buddy flight" on BA which we want to use. I can't see this being too much of a problem but we can't book this until exactly a year before so need to wait 5 or 6 weeks. Then we will go ahead and book the Tauck trip.
    Let me know what date you decide especially if it is this one.
  • There are a few from Australia that will be answering your question. I did the trip in November and the weather was great. No matter what the outback will be hot but was almost bearable in November and was not too cold in New Zealand. And we had very little rain for the whole trip.
  • We did this trip mid-February to mid-March based on advice from an Australian couple we met on another Tauck trip. They felt that Fall weather was the best. Being from the San Francisco area, we understand that premise! Our weather on the trip was very good considering the many different geographic climates that are included! I think it is difficult to find "perfect" weather in every area. We had some rain (in NZ), we had some heat and we had a lot of perfect weather!!
  • edited January 2014
    Excellent advice, Joyce! ;) Maybe that's why I love the City so much. The weather … and the eminently sensible people who live there! ;))



    PS We are suffering through extreme heat at the moment, so I would kill (not literally, you understand) for some lovely San Francisco weather right now!
  • Hi Jan,
    Thanks for the kind comments about our city! Unfortunately, we, too, are experiencing unusual weather. After a cold snap in December, we have had practically balmy weather. We are wearing shorts to play golf! The worst of it is a drought that is promising to be the worst in many, many years! We are hoping for rain, rain, rain in February and March!! It just goes to show that weather is the luck of the draw!

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