I heard there are lots of teens on this trip and I am traveling with my 13 year old granddaughter. She is from Charleston SC and I am from Asheville, NC. Let's get some info flowing before the trip.


    edited October 2013
    don't have any info for you - just wanted to say HI. I lived in Charleston for 8 yrs, but now live here in Asheville, NC for the past 10yrs - small world!! Have an amazing trip! We are about to take our 3rd Tauck Tour in Nov.
  • We are bringing our 13 year old granddaughter on the Castles/Kings June 19, 2014 tour. While we live in Florida, she lives in the Boston area. This will be her first trip to London and Paris. We are going to London about a week early to see a few things that aren't included on the tour. What to pack? Any clues from past travelers about what they should have done/brought....and what they should NOT have brought/ done.
  • Timmy wrote:
    We are bringing our 13 year old granddaughter on the Castles/Kings June 19, 2014 tour. While we live in Florida, she lives in the Boston area. This will be her first trip to London and Paris. We are going to London about a week early to see a few things that aren't included on the tour. What to pack? Any clues from past travelers about what they should have done/brought....and what they should NOT have brought/ done.

    Maybe it would be nice if the girls could instagram or facetime each other before they go but not quite yet. I am giving my granddaughter the trip for her 13th birthday so she doesn't know about it yet. We are going just one day early and staying one day later in Paris. I haven't even thought of what to take. I hope some others join in our conversation so maybe we can get some good ideas.
  • Now that's one lucky GD! I just want to know how you are going to wrap that up! ;)) How about a new memory card for her camera? With a note suggesting how she might fill it, of course!



  • Thinking of this tour for family this summer. Live in boston. Can you go early to London for couple days before your to see countryside. Is there some private exploring time set aside. We have 3 kids.

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