Jewish Tour of Shanghai November 5 Afternoon

We are going on the China, Yangtze & Hong Kong East tour beginning on Wednesday, October 23. We will be in Shanghai November 4 and 5 with free time scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, November 5. We have contacted Dvir Bar-Gal (an Israeli who lives in Shanghai) about a "Tour of Jewish Shanghai." We've heard it's very good. But he requires at least 8 people in order to schedule an afternoon tour as he usually gives them in the morning. The two of us would like to go. Are there 6 more people on our trip who would like to come? If so, please let us know and we'll try to work something out.


  • I had contacted dvir, his response was the Tours normally begin at 9:30 AM. we hope there are four others who are interested to make the minimum of eight required. I had spoken to others, and the Jewish tour outweighs what Tauck is doing that morning.

  • Looking forward to meeting you in Bejing. The e-mail reply from Dvir, as we re-read it, was a bit unclear as to the number of people required to establish a tour. It is either 8 total or 8 others which would then constitute a total requirement of 10. We also think the jewish tour outweighs the morning of the Tauck tour however if we get 6 more people interested perhaps we can create an afternoon tour and do both. If no more people respond to the posts then we can try to obtain interest when we gather on the 24th for dinner in Bejing. We are Allan and Rosemary and can be reached at
  • Hi, We would love to join you in the Jewish Quarter tour. I emailed you to dcrs2.
    We are Cookie and Sam from Philadelphia.
    Hoping to hear from you.
  • Have done this tour with Dvir and unless he has changed his requirements, the minimum number of participants is 10. This was a phenomenal tour and should be part of the Tauck trip. What he shows and talks about is history and everyone who has any interest in history should participate and know that China (and specifically Shanghai) was the only country with an open door policy towards the Jews being slaughtered in Europe. Just try to imagine how many people are alive today because some 20,000 - 30,000 European Jews were spared by being allowed to enter Shanghai. It was the best $65 that I have ever spent on a trip.

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