Grand Australia and NZ - March 3, 2014 Tour

My wife and I are booked for this tour and have gleaned lots of good tips from the reviews and forum. We're going in a day early on Air New Zealand, connecting with United out of Denver. Looking to contact anyone else on that schedule.



  • My parents and sister and I are going on the Tour on March 3rd as well. My parents live in Alabama and my sister and I in Orlando Florida. We are coming in a day early and would love to meet up with you if you are coming in early as well. We are so excited. We went on the South Africa elegant adventure last year and had a wonderful time.
  • You will not be disappointed, Jim, this is a super tour which certainly covers the ground. We went in October and were the only Brits amongst such a great US crowd many of whom had travelled Air New Zealand and spoke exceptionally highly about that experience.
  • For Bama Girl-

    Great. We are arriving around 11:00 am on the 2nd. Not sure when we can check in at the hotel but would enjoy meeting y'all. Our last name is Moore if you get there first. This will be our fourth tour with Tauck and we can't think of a better group to travel with.
  • I am joining this tour as a single...coming from N.C. Will arrive the night of March 1st after 4 days visiting friends living in Hawaii. I have not done a Tauck Tour and hear wonderful reports about it. I am so looking forward to it and meeting 'all participants' not to mention the 'knowlegeable' guides.
  • You will absolutely enjoy this tour.To JPM - make sure you have confirmed early check in at the Langham Melbourne with your Tauck Rep and with the hotel. The front desk can be a bit "snooty" about early check-in. Although fully paid for an early arrival and early check-in ours got messed up and we had to wait until 3:00 p.m. after nearly 20 hours of flying time on UAL/ANZ. ANA Business Class is very good.
  • I had no issue and I had booked my early stay myself not thru Tauck. They made it seem it was the norm knowing people are coming off a long flight. I found my check-in very friendly.
  • Barbara41, we, too, are from NC, and are scheduled to go on this tour later in the year. Would love to chat with you sometime. If you would like, email me at

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