China - Yangtze Tour

I just returned from the Oct. 15-31st Tour. There are not enough words to describe the beauty of this trip. Our tour guide, Annie Dowling, made all of us feel very special. Her knowledge of China is incredible. Our local guides were totally helpful and enlightening. The group, although large (39) were cohesive and engaging with one another. The laughter never stopped. We are now discussing our next Tauck outing for Japan. Many of those on our trip have done multiple Tauck tours and were not disappointed. N.B. we were the only ones to not have visas which was taken care of quickly. We had overlooked it in the paperwork. My only comment to management is...we had spoken to HQ several times about questions and no one ever questioned.."have you obtained your Visas?" For newbies to touring it might be good to be sure it is mentioned in the paperwork several times.


  • I am taking the same tour beginning in Beijing on May 1. I've been reading about the unhealthy pollution and all photos I've seen show heavy smog in all the cities. What was your experience with the air?

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