Booking Domestic Air Flights with Tauck

I was wondering if anyone has booked there US domestic flights with Tauck . If the air fares & schedule was compatible with booking it yourself .I was hoping to use Tauck for the convience ,but the cost could be an issue.


  • I used to book my airfare through Tauck but not recently. I would let them do it when I was traveling alone so I appreciated the convenience. I do know that if you book with them, you do not have to pay until your final tour payment is due. Also I booked an overseas flight with them and one day I checked the airline site and found a cheaper price. I learned that Tauck understands that if this happens, you can cancel with them and book yourself with the cheaper rate.
  • edited October 2014
    Domestic flight with Tauck? I don't think so that, they provide any much better offers on Air tickets.
    I prefer, booking my tickets from letsflycheaper and always find some great deals and discounts on flights.

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