Romantic Germany

We've just booked the Sept.13th 2014 trip. Anybody else yet? This will be our 8th Tauck trip. We've visited many of the German cities on the rivers but now wanted to explore inland.
Ann and Tom in Atlanta, GA.


  • Yes, glad to "meet" you. WOW! Seven other trips - you must have wonderful stories to tell. My husband Dennis and I will be on the Sept. 13 tour with you, and also arrive a day early. We're coming from Raleigh NC, so not too far from you. This is our first time to Germany and we are so excited, and anticipate that Oktoberfest might add a different flavor, so to speak! We traveled with Tauck on a great tour of Rome, Florence, Venice last year, then headed to Vienna on our own. We've just booked tickets for the Berlin Philharmonik which has a fantastic reputation. Where were your other trips? Maryanne Friend
  • Hi Mazalea, (Maryanne)
    Just checked back in on this website. Had gotten discouraged with no responses for a long time.
    Glad to hear we'll have some other southerners with us! We just got back from our cabin in Montreat (Black Mountain) NC. A wonderful cool and clear 4th of July.
    If you would like to continue "talking" my email is:
    Ann and Tom

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