Lima hotels

We are departing on May 28, 2014. We are staying at the Marriott in Lima for one night prior to our prearranged tour lodgings at the Mira Flores Park Hotel. Has anyone stayed at this Marriott before? The hotels appear to only be a few blocks apart. By the way....we noticed that the Mira Flores Park Hotel will be having renovations just prior to our arrival on May 28, 2014.


  • We stayed at the Marriot in November for one night prior to our going to the Miraflores. We found it to be as nice or even better than the Miraflores. We took our luggage and walked the short distance to the Miraflores.
  • I'm sorry this is a little late, Sue Ann, but thank you for your response. Sounds like an easy go to me.
  • I am going on this trip on April 8th. My friend and I arranged through Tauck to arrive in Lima April 5th and stay in the Miraflores hotel. Tauck contacted us in writing 2-3 weeks ago informing us Miraflores Hotel is undergoing some renovations and Tauck changed our reservations to JW Marriott to ensure our comfort.

    I have a co-worker who stayed at the Marriott and said the accomadations were great. The location is also very convenient.

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