Spirit of the Desert DVD


We took this trip in September and it was wonderful. I created a DVD of our experience. If you wish to see it go to:

1. Go to the Website. Click on the Icon (Spirit of the Desert)

2. Download the "Presenter". This only take a few seconds and it is safe. The Website is managed by the producers of my software (www.phodex.com). Many of my friends and students in my photography class have downloaded it without any problems.

3. Make sure that your sound is on and play the video. There is a square box in the right hand bottom corner of the screen to watch it in full screen.

4. Enjoy


  • We are on the Spirit of the Desert tour for June 4th. Having been on the Canyon lands tour many years ago we are looking forward to the trip. Anyone out there joining the trip?
  • Hi: Thanks so much for the video share of Spirit of the Desert. Will look at it today.
  • We are also on the June 4th Spirit of the Desert Tour. Can't wait - looks very exciting.
  • Tried to view the DVD (going on the trip next week) but I can't seem to load the plug-in (using windows 10)

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