romantic germany thinking 5/31 or 6/28

Hey everyone!
My names Brittany and my Nana and I are still in the planning process of our vacation. We are thinking of booking the Romantic Germany tour that starts on May 31st 2014 or June 28th 2014. We haven't decided yet because we are also hoping to see Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna and Prague. We are hoping to maybe link the two tours together.

I was posting because I am curious. We have never traveled with Tauck before.
Is there anyone planning on going on any of these tours around these times? I am curious to know if we will be the only two with this large of an age gap. I am a twenty four year old while my grandmother is an active 70 something. Are there any other grandparents traveling with grandchildren? Or any other 20 somethings? I am kind of afraid that I will be the only younger person. It would be a shame to have everyone in bed by 8pm while I am wide awake and ready to explore. Any families out there that are going on these tours? Or even seniors so my Nana isn't alone?

Anyone have any insight please share!
How was your tour?
What do you suggest?
Please I need all the information I can get before we book!

Thank you!



  • You very well will probably be the youngest and could very well be the only one that young. But, depending on the type of person you are will greatly depend on the amount of time you will be alone on a Tauck trip. The youngest typically is in their 40's I would say. If you let it be know you would love to hang out with the guests after hours you might get some invites.

    I am approaching 60 and do not go to bed at 8PM. But, just to let you know on these trips you have many early mornings and will welcome a some what early night to relax.

    I have been on 10 Tauck trips and going on my 11th in June and love traveling with them. You see a lot for the amount of time you are on the trip.
  • Thanks for the information Crackers54. Yes, I understand that I will probably be the youngest but I was hoping that there would be some people around my age. My Nana is active for her age, but still turns in early at night. I don't mind hanging out with people older if they don't mind, but I find traveling with people your own age its always easier to relate. I know not all older people go to bed early but my Nana tends to. I am a night owl, even when I have to get up early, I having trouble sleeping. I think its from all the late night college studying.

    I was just hoping that someone would be in a similar situation as me and would end up being on one of these tour dates, that way I could choose our tour date accordingly.

    I am glad you let me know how much you enjoy Tauck, it sounds like a great company.

    Thanks for your input, I hope to hear from others!
  • Maybe you should look at Tauck trips listed under the Tauck Bridges program. We did the Bridges River Boat Cruise and the passengers' ages ranged from grandmas to young teens and everyone in between. A great mix of extended families.
  • I looked into the Tauck Bridges, and they just didn't have the type of trip we we're looking for. For one the trips were too short. We were looking for a minimum of two weeks. And my Nana has been to most of those countries, we wanted to travel someplace new together. Thanks for the suggestion though, but that program is to limited.
  • I am just reading your post from December and hope you have booked with Tauck. Our family is going on the Romantic Germany trip on June 13 and we have a 23 year old and a 29 year old going. We went on a France tour last summer where there were 5 people in their 20's and our kids had a great time as did we.
  • Go and have a wonderful time! This is a fabulous trip. We took this tour a few years ago and are still recommending it to our friends in all age ranges. Last summer we took the Alps and Dolomites trip. The youngest person was 14, also 16 year old twins, the oldest 82 (he outlasted all of us!), and there were three ladies about your nana's age. There were also 6 friends in their 30's and 40's traveling together. We are in our late 60's. Everyone, even the teens, had a great time because Tauck the experiences are wonderful and tend to bond you as a group. I bet you'll find a wider age range than you expect. And let all of us know your thoughts about the tour when you return. Happy traveling!
  • I am taking my family on the June 28th tour in Germany. My daughters are 25 and 18 so I'm hoping that you booked the Romantic Germany tour. It should be lots of fun. Hope to see you there.
  • We traveled last year with our 2 sons who are in their early 20's. There were 2 others that were college aged on the tour but honestly they ended up being more interested in some of the adults on the trip as Tauck always has a very entertaining group of people traveling no matter what their age- well mostly everyone is entertaining and interesting on these trips so if you love meeting people from all over, no worries if you are the youngest on trip.

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