
I get the feeling this tour isn't very popular.

Thinking of traveling to New Mexico as a solo traveler in April.

Or Sonoma and Napa Valley in May.
I have been to San Francisco and loved it, never to Sonoma and Napa.

Any thoughts on either of these trips??

If you have been to New Mexico I would especially like to know your thoughts/advice, etc.Thank you.


  • Hi there,

    I did the New Mexico trip a few years ago when it started in El Paso. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It's a very interesting part of the States. The history is so interesting … from the pueblo peoples, Spanish settlers, the "heroes" of the Wild West and the settlers following the Santa Fe Trial. The geography itself is interesting, too, from ancient lava flows, rugged mountains and desert land forms. The food is wonderful, even if, like me, chilli has dire effects! (I'm still here to tell this tale so you can avoid it!)

    The San Francisco, Sonoma & Napa Valley trip is also fantastic. There have been some very recent posts over on that thread you might like t read.

    I don't think that people haven't posted on a trip means it's not a good one. It just means that no one has taken the time to answer a question. And sometimes, no news is good news, in that no one has had a question or problem. Or they haven't posted a plain … where I'm going for my next holiday … shout.

    Both trips are great and I did both solo. They're not too far apart geographically that you couldn't do them back to back! Go and have fun!


  • They had it off the list for a few years and just brought it back. Looks like a few weeks are booking up. I have always thought would do this sometime in the future.
  • I have not done the Napa and Sonoma so I cannot comment on it, however I did do the New Mexico tour. I was traveling solo at the time and thoroughly enjoyed it. I even met the person with whom I now travel on that tour. Tauck has modified it since I went and for that reason, I have it on my list to do again someday. The Southwest is an interesting part of the US and I have covered a good part of it. I particularly love learning about the Native people and the geology of the desert areas.
  • We took the New Mexico trip last summer and thoroughly loved it. Although we have traveled with Tauck internationally, I was hesitant to use use them domestically but since our friends were going we joined them and were we ever happy! They brought so much more to the tour than we could have ever done on our own! Our guide, Lolly, was incredibly knowledgeable and a complete delight. Do not hesitate to go!

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