Booked June 22 family trip to Rome/Sorrento

Our family of 5, with our triplet teens (13) are booked for June 22 trip. Looking to learn of other families who will be joining us. We are thrilled to plan and experience this adventure. Both my husband and I are of Italian heritage and this is the first trip to Italy for most all of us, except him! Looking forward to learning about other kids/families who we will share this lifetime experience with!

Triplet Mom


  • My family is taking the same trip, but in July. We had a really hard time deciding on Rome to Venice or Rome to Sorrento.
  • There will be 14 of us from Rhode Island taking the June 22 Rome to Sorrento tour. My 8 grandchildren include: 1 boy - 19; 1 boy - 16; 2 boys - 14; 1 girl - 14; 1 boy - 12; 1 girl-10 and 1 girl - 9. Also in the group are my two daughters, my son, my son-in-law and daughter-in-law. This will also be the first trip to Italy for everyone except me. I traveled to Italy 10 years ago. Looking forward to meeting everyone in June!

  • Hello all!

    Hard to believe this trip is a month away! So excited to hear about the Rhode Island family coming! Wow what a group. My triplet 13 year olds are excited to meet your 14 year olds! We would love to hear from any of our other travelers in advance! Sincerely, Triplet mom Karen
  • My wife and I will be joining this happy group with our granddaughter, 13 years old. Looking forward to meeting all and enjoying a great time...Dolce Vita
  • Myself, my best friend from college, and my granddaughter who will celebrate her 13th birthday on the trip will be joining you all. Very much looking forward to it. Sounds as though there will be plenty of kids in that age group, so should be fun. :)

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