Cowboy Country August 17, 2014

We are traveling with our 13 year old grandson on August 17. Just booked today for his 13th birthday gift. Would be interested to know who else will be joining us.
Also, I found out that children over 11 can horseback ride without the parents (grandparents). You must sign a waiver. That was an important question as I dont think we would be riding.
Also, any suggestions on packing??


  • I don't know the answers to your questions, but we will be travelling the same dates with a 9 year old boy. I think that there is some info on packing if you look around the website a bit.
  • We will be on the same trip with two daughters. One is almost 17, the other almost 12. Both interact as well with boys as they do with girls. We are coming from California and will look forward to meeting you all. We have done several other Tauck Bridges trips and the kids always seem to bond .
  • I just checked, and the kids' gender and ages on this trip are as follows: eleven girls, aged 16,15,12,12,11,11,11,10,9,7 and 6. Seven boys, aged 14,13,11,10,9,9, and 8. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!
  • Oh and about packing-- there are suggestions in the booklets, (page 11) but we have always packed light, one small roll aboard suitcase each, plus a small carry on with meds, travel documents, swimsuits and an emergency change of clothing. It doesn't look as though there are any dressy occasions on the itinerary. We'll have t shirts, jeans, shorts, a pair of sandals and a pair of sneakers...maybe some cowboy boots for the horseback ride, if there is space. I see they suggest some rain gear just in case, which is hard to imagine coming from California's super drought conditions, but I guess we'll bring windbreakers or cheap plastic ponchos.
  • Thanks for posting the children's ages. So much to organize before our trip!

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